VIDEO Trim Button on the SWF Control Panel
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VIDEO The Needle Button
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VIDEO Start and Stop Button
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VIDEO Using the Previous Button
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VIDEO Machine Button introduction
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VIDEO Machine Button Auto CC Function
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VIDEO Machine Button Trim Length
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VIDEO Machine Button Power ORG function
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VIDEO Machine Button machine function flat caps
Hits: 60
VIDEO Machine Button Frame Speed
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VIDEO Machine Button F Move Function
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VIDEO Machine Button Default function
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VIDEO Machine Button BK Stitch Unit
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VIDEO Machine Button Auto Trim
Hits: 56
VIDEO Machine Button Auto Origin
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VIDEO Machine Button Upper Thread Sensor Function
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VIDEO Machine Button Auto Back Function
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VIDEO Machine Button Auto Jump
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VIDEO Mirror function in the settings control
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VIDEO Setting Button Angle Function
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VIDEO The repeat button function
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VIDEO the M Setting button
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VIDEO Embroidery Machine Float Button
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VIDEO Settings button Start Stitch
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VIDEO alternate use for the start button
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VIDEO Settings button intro
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VIDEO Setting Button X and Y Satin Control
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VIDEO EMB Button Trim Start
Hits: 71
VIDEO EMB Button Trim Inching
Hits: 68
VIDEO EMB Button Total Work Clear
Hits: 56
VIDEO EMB Button Total Stitch Clear
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VIDEO EMB Button stop inching
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VIDEO EMB button lock stitch function
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VIDEO EMB button Jump Convert function
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VIDEO EMB Button Frame Limit
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VIDEO EMB Button Back Tack Function
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VIDEO EMB Call Button Design Copy
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VIDEO Machine Button Applique function
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VIDEO Machine Button All Speeds Function
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VIDEO Frame Button pantograph movement
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VIDEO Float by Stitch Float Button
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VIDEO FDD Call embroidery design
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VIDEO Embroidery Machine FDD Button
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VIDEO Embroidery Speed Button
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VIDEO EMB Call Button Introduction
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VIDEO EMB Call button Memory Initial function
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VIDEO EMB Call Button external input
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VIDEO Edit Button Design Divide
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